Each year, the members of the Millwood Home & School Association must elect an Executive Committee to run the association's day-to-day tasks. As per our bylaws (2018 rev.), there are 5 elected positions available for 2019-20:
- President
- Vice President
- Recording Secretary
- Correspondence Coordinator
- Treasurer
PLEASE NOTE: As per OFHSA bylaws, you must be a paid member in good standing of the Home & School Association to run or vote for positions on the Executive. All positions are for a 1-year term from June-to-June.
Understand and promote the role of Home & School Association, encourage and maintain strong relationships with the H&S Executive Committee and the members, and with the school administration.
Commit to attending the Home & School Association general and executive meetings (usually monthly during the school year).
Be able to qualify to obtain shared signing authority over the bank account.
President & Vice President
Help prepare the meeting agendas
Chair meetings
Ensure minutes are reviewed, recorded, and maintained
Encourage consensus among members and facilitate the resolution of conflict when needed
Establish and Participate in sub-committees when required
Communicate with the school principal/admin on behalf of the Home & School Association
Assist in developing policies and procedures
Assist with the recruitment of new members and volunteers
Recording Secretary
Ensure the minutes of the meetings are recorded and distributed to those in attendance before the next scheduled meeting via email and post on the Home & School website once approved
Assist in developing policies and procedures when required
- Manage and create Home & School documents when required (bylaws, member list, etc.)
Maintain annual membership roster and forward updates and fees to OFHSA
Supervise and manage bank account activity
Reconcile Home & School Committee revenue and expense activities to bank statement
Keep organized records including monthly bank statements
Keep records of all revenues and expenses including receipts
Maintain spreadsheet to allocate revenue and expense activities to appropriate budget sub-categories and track/report monthly progress and financial status to Committee
Prepare annual budget
Provide updates and financial status and present a current financial report, as well as the most currently available bank statement, at each Home & School Executive and General Meeting
Provide historical (past) budget reference information as needed and answer Home & School Association queries
Make deposits of revenues & Issue cheques for expenses
Pursue payment/contact NSF cheque defaults as needed
Submit books, invoices, receipts and statements for verification annually
Participate in sub-committees when needed
Additional Qualifications: Financial acumen and experience, Proficiency with Microsoft Excel and online banking.
Correspondence Coordinator:
Also referred to as the Volunteer/Hospitality/Social representative
Plan and promote all Home & School Association Events
Oversee the coordination of volunteers at the various H&S Events, designate leads and allocate resources
Encourage an open and welcoming atmosphere and help new members feel at ease
Responsible for Invitations and Thank-you notes
Additional Qualifications: Proficiency with Microsoft Excel and the signupgenius.com website.
- Website Co-ordinator:
Create, manage, edit and update the Millwood Home & School website
Proficiency with web-based website design and desktop publishing is essential.
- School Council Representative:
Attend the Millwood school council meetings and provide an update on the status and activities of the H&S.
Usually appointed from among the elected Executive
As needed from time to time, the executive strikes committees to assist with various tasks, including Fun Fair, Grad, Pizza Lunch, etc. These positions are not elected and need not be Association members, but still fulfill a vital need!
To Apply (1 per year, although roles may be shared among 2 people), please fill out the form below or email
millwoodhomeandschool@gmail.com and provide your name, email, and which position being applied for.
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the June AGM. All Nominations require a mover & seconder.